this is my website /blog/what ever is on my mind

you can also find me on twitch @codevoid0x25 or on github at codespaceOx25

this in my first artical

hi evrey on im olivia or more cominly know as codespace0x25. im a trans programmer, i use she they pronouns, that is working on a fuw projecs. a game in godot, a os made in cpp, and a book.

i use emacs and linux to do work, with i3 wm being for games and dwm for godot. and for genrale programing i use exwm (emasc x window manager)

my favret linux distro is arch linux/gentoo

i made my own build system.

i made my own build system for c and cpp and later more langager im calling it progStart.
it works by making a .prog/ directry in the file and in there, there is a [insert langage file extenshon here] .json .
the file can look like


{ "C":{ "compiler": "gcc", "buildPath": "build/main", "srcBassPath":"src/", "srcFiles":["main.c"], "Compileratgs": "" } }